6x6 Technical Questions > T-20 Transmission

Won't go into reverse. Please help.


The T-20 will handle your engine no problem.  I've seen them with 100 HP or so engines running them.  Check the band adjustment and the diamond shifter pins.  Also check the shift linkage to make sure it hasn't bent or bowed.  Also get the wheels off the ground and see if that helps.  Basically what everyone else has said.  If you are not sure what or how to do the checks ask and we will try to help out with a more detailed explanation.  :)

    stp   if you pull the trans out for repair make it a COOL T-20, see the thread

Pull your shifter rods off and move the Dimond shifter by hand. Roll the clutch over while doing this to see if it will lock in. Also you can use a suction gun to pull and check your fluid . I put mine an a small soda bottle and let it set to see what settles out.  kik

 "too strong for my transmission in my opinion" The T20 can handle 50 hp no issues, sounds like to me that you have a band/adjustment issue, there is a link on this forum that will tell you how to adjust your band, I would jack it up so wheels are off the ground to see exactly what is up, I had an issue lie yours years ago and it was a broken band..

I cannot shift into reverse. And this transmission was rebuilt last fall. Originally the bands broke on one side. Got it repaired. And now it won't go into reverse. I checked out to see if there's any obstructions there's none but, the right side (to forward) chain on the transmission was very very tight and the left side on the clutch was very very loose. Can that contribute to no reverse? I am running a Max IV 2012 one of the last new ones. With the 950T liquid cooled engine. too strong for my transmission in my opinion. I have a hard time going up hills, the transmission slips.


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