How To: Repair of your 6x6 Photos, Vidoes and Guides, please no questions > Axle & bearing removal, replacement

Weird axle break

(1/4) > >>

Thank you

Let me know when your closer to wanting it done. I will need to see if the shop is empty as I know I have a truck to redo the drive line in also.
But I will help you .

I understand the work to play cinario. I still would like to redo the entire max 4 somewhere around feb or March if your interested. I just saw whippers pic of his springer which gave me the idea of putting the steering controls next to my seat instaid of reaching out in front.

Glad to hear your getting it done. Hope all turns out well also. If I can be of any help let me know .
Still like to make it down one weekend ? But if the work is there for my shop I am ready to take it on.
That is what pays for my toys !  8)

Took the bearing cage to a machinist on fri he said the reason the axle broke was because the bearing cage wasn’t tru to the axle so it crystallized the steel. He’s making a new one now that is heavier than the old one.  Hopefully I’ll get it in on mon, so I can get back to working with the machine, I still have approximately 12 ac of phrag that needs to be matched down. I was supposed to be done by thanksgiving, will see.


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