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new house lemon...errrr


I guess ethics is no longer thought of as a good trait to have.  Some people must feel like if they can get one over on you they will try to do it no matter what the consequences are.  Not a smart way to do things.

Yup litigation sucks, the house I built in 2009 in Maine ended in a 40k 7 year right of way lawsuit that I won, now I have a lean on the people's property at 6 percent interest until they pay. would rather have had them stay off kik my property like would rather have had this owner disclose the basement issue, what happened to ppl telling the freaking truth and just plain human decency??? kik kik kik

Sorry to hear that.  That is a total kick in the gut.  You're right about the fun part just starting with lawyers.  We had to sue the builders of our house to get them to do the right/proper thing.  Although the main issues were taken care of it still cost us a few grand to make it happen.  Hopefully this can be rectified without a lengthy and costly lawsuit.

closed on my house in Maine and moved back home in July, last week just finished digging the entire foundation up and installing drain tile, 60 mil membrane, a 150 foot 2 foot x 2foot French drain across house and lost a week of work all because the previous owner who actually built the house never disclosed water in basement issues..I bought it with out looking at it as the owner is a "master carpenter" with great reputation in the real estate agent looked at it. now I know why the light in the basement were shit. to hide the issues.....o ya. water was literally pouring out of the fuse panel. no joke kinda blew my budget for a while for sure. now come the fun part...lawyers


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