6x6 Technical Questions > WHEELS and TIRES

2001 bigfoot, new tire time :o


Carlisle AT101 They have the size you need for tracks Plus work good on there own !

New here, so noob question!

Bought land in northern ontario last year.  Only access is a logging road + swamp/muskeg.  Ended up buying a very used 2001 bigfoot to get in and out.  Having done LOTS of overdue general maint, works pretty well.

Loaded it yesterday to head north and found a cut in the side of one of the 25x12x9 tires it came with.

Now that I have to replace one, have to decide what to put on it.  I DO have a set of plastic tracks I got with it, but dont have a set of 22" tires.  So, recommendations?  Get a pair of the IPT mudlites 25x12x9 for the front, pay the unholly $339 each for 2 Carlisle 25x12x9 replacements,  or a set of 22" so I can use the tracks? If I go with the 22" what would you recommend,  and are they any good in mud WITHOUT tracks?


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